We are Manufacturer, Supplier, Exporter of Current Transformers and our set up is situated in Pune, Maharashtra, India.

A current transformer (CT) is an electrical device used for measuring electric currents in power systems. It is a type of instrument transformer that is designed to transform high current levels into lower, proportional currents suitable for measurement or protection purposes.

The primary function of a current transformer is to provide accurate and isolated measurement of current flowing through a conductor without the need to directly connect measuring instruments to the high-current circuit. By stepping down the current to a level suitable for measurement, it ensures the safety of the measuring devices and personnel.

The basic construction of a current transformer consists of a primary winding and a secondary winding. The primary winding is connected in series with the circuit carrying the current to be measured, while the secondary winding is connected to the measuring or protection devices. The current flowing in the primary winding induces a proportional current in the secondary winding according to the turns ratio of the transformer.

Current transformers are commonly used in various applications, including:
Current transformers are used in electrical energy metering systems to measure the current consumption of individual circuits, buildings, or the entire power grid.

Protection: Current transformers are integral components of protective relays and circuit breakers. They detect abnormal current conditions, such as short circuits or overloads, and provide signals to trip the circuit breakers or activate protective devices to isolate the fault.

Power quality monitoring: Current transformers are utilized in power quality monitoring systems to analyze and record the characteristics of electrical current in order to assess the quality and stability of the power supply.

Energy management: Current transformers are employed in energy management systems to monitor the current flow in various parts of a facility or industrial plant, enabling better energy usage analysis and optimization.

It's worth noting that while the fundamental principles and functionality of current transformers remain the same, there may be advancements and variations in design, materials, and technologies used in current transformers as new developments and innovations emerge in the field of electrical engineering.
Current Transformers
Current Transformers
Current Transformers

Current Transformers
Current Transformers